A Soul Longing For More

So this week, I have started a online bible study with a few women, I think there is around 24,000…just a few if you think of how many of us are here.  The name of the study is What Happens When Women Say YES to God, the title alone drew me in…..I like to be in control, sometimes I wonder if it is just a female trait or battle we must fight.. But, I also known that my soul longs for more…..and I am always “full” on Sundays in church around church (maybe not beforehand, because what a struggle every Sunday morning is). But once I am hearing about Jesus and really processing what a mighty God we serve I am Full. Full of happiness, Full of Love, Full of Life, Ready for battle….But then Mondays come, and I feel alone.  I have never been a morning person, my kids and husband can vouch for that, however this week I have committed to getting up and starting my day with scripture and my study…what a difference it has made, my thoughts have been more focused where they should be.  Have I had a perfect week? NO…but I am going through with my palms up and praising him.